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Why this? (An overview)

When first became familiar with the Debian packaging system, it felt to me that the process was not as straightforward as I would like it to be. Initially, I wrote a small script to copy the sources we regularly bundled at our work team. This eased things for this particular package, but it was not nearly general or user-friendly enough to be used for others. Later on, I tried bundling RPM packages as well. After that, it just seemed natural to improve the scripts and develop a tool to easily bundle any of them.

Thus, this tool aims to provide an easier way to bundle software into packages for common UNIX Operating Systems (currently Debian and Fedora based distros are supported). That is, the tool requires only packager and package information, along with (of course) the location of the source files. Further instructions on its use can be checked in the wiki and in the README files available.


Whilst this could be perfectly a bash script (specially for automated or remote server tasks), a graphical mode proves to be more user-friendly at the beginning. Also, it was a good occasion to get some skills on AWT/Swing and remove these my to-do list.

When running the tool in graphical mode, you will notice a penguin drawing in the upper part. That is nothing but a winking at the Adventure Time cartoon. There, Gunter is the main penguin character that enjoys smashing bottles - and probably jars as well.


This project is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 3.0. That means that it is possible to do pretty much with the source; yet modifying, extending or distributing the source must be done under the same licence and the author is not to be blamed or hold liable for unexpected behaviours or damage.

Authors and contributors

This GitHub project is maintained by @CarolinaFernandez, yet @you are welcome to collaborate by either sending a pull request or notifying issues/improvements you would like to see.